Are we in Holland or Texas???

Are we in Holland or Texas???

Happy Spring!! What isn’t more “springy” than flowers growing, right? Well, let me tell you about the cutest little slice of Texas where you can see, smell, and pick your own gorgeous Tulips. You don’t have to go ALL the way to Holland to experience a field full of Tulips! Take a scenic drive outside the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area to see this colorful array of Tulips, but you better jump on it fast, b/c the Tulip season doesn’t last very long!

Texas-Tulips is located in Pilot Point, Texas. This was about a 50 min drive for us, but worth it! There are rows and rows…and rows of Tulips of every different color for you to choose from. You pay for whatever you pick! I gave my kiddos a Tulip limit, and they picked them quickly. I will say, remember to tell your kids to pick from the VERY bottom of the stem and not the top. I forgot to remind mine, and they grabbed a few from the top! Ha!

This was a HALF day trip for us.
What I packed:
water bottles
cash (credit/debit also accepted)
rain boots (I knew there might be dirt and/or mud)
backpack for me to carry with all the stuff

For our visit, we arrived soon after opening time (they open at 10am). I recommend showing up around this time, b/c parking fills up quickly, and the field gets crowded! We spent approximately an hour there taking our time strolling and soaking in the sun. The kids ate our packed snacks at the provided picnic tables, while I bought the flowers. They wrap them up in whatever color tissue paper you choose, and include a gel for the flowers to rest in. My kiddos seemed to enjoy hopping around on the bales of hay just as much as picking the flowers. I am so glad the kids wore their new rain boots from #target to stomp around in the hay and dirt. I feel like rain boots are essential for the Spring season! My daughter was elated when she saw that hers light up. Direct links to rain boots below!

Other quick notes about Texas-Tulips:

  • Open 10am to 8pm every day (seasonally)
  • Parking: free
  • Entrance fee: $5 for anyone over 1 yr old (this was the cost at the time this was written)
  • Flower fee: $2.50 per stem (this was the cost at the time this was written)
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Food options: not at the time we went, but it looks like certain days they might have concessions open
  • Other activities: not many-there were some piles of hay that the kids had fun jumping on, and of course good photo ops. We saw A LOT of adorable Spring and Easter pictures happening around us.
  • For more detailed information check out their website:

We brought home our beautiful flowers and quickly placed them in water and a vase. They have brightened up our kitchen table! Happy Spring ya’ll! I encourage you…take some time to stop and smell the Tulips.

Please share this post with a friend or family member! Blessings to you friends! Have a great day!

Have you been to Texas-Tulips? How was your visit? Do you have questions about my visit? Share/Comment below!!!

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